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Image size requirements in MailerLite

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When uploading images to your File manager, you’ll find that the file size limit on all images is 10 MB.

However, if you are importing an image larger than 2 MB, it will be automatically resized to 2 MB.

Using images in your campaigns can be an exceptionally effective tool to appeal to your readers and get your customers to act; and in order to optimize your campaign, you must optimize your image size.

The maximum dimensions are 640px wide for image blocks in your campaigns. Some content blocks containing images have smaller maximum dimensions.

Maximum width Content block(s)
560px Logo block; Hero image with article block
270px Logo + title block
267px 2 articles block; Horizontal image + text block
140px 4 articles block

You can insert any image that is up to 1280px wide, then the system will automatically scale it down to the maximum dimensions. You can also resize images yourself in the campaign editor.

Note: We recommend using images no larger than 1 MB in your campaigns. Images increase the size of your newsletter, and if your newsletter becomes too large, it’s more likely that the email will be clipped or land in the spam folder.

The maximum dimensions of images on your landing pages and websites are 1110px wide.

Some content blocks containing images will automatically resize your image to fit the maximum dimensions of that block.

Maximum width Content block(s)
660px 1 column of content block
330px 2 columns of content block
240px 3 columns of content block; Sign up form block

The maximum width for images in your forms are as follows:

  • Pop-up forms - 580px

  • Embedded forms - 640px

When uploading images to your File manager, you’ll find that the file size limit on all images is 2 MB. If your image is larger than 2 MB, you can compress it in an external app or use a free online tool.

Using images in your campaigns can be an exceptionally effective tool to appeal to your readers and get your customers to act; and in order to optimize your campaign, you must optimize your image size.

The maximum dimensions are 640px wide for image blocks in your campaigns. Some content blocks containing images have smaller maximum dimensions.

Maximum width Content block(s)
560px Logo block, Hero image with article block
270px Logo + title block
267px 2 articles block, Horizontal image + text block
140px 4 articles block

You can insert any image that is up to 1280px wide, then the system will automatically scale it down to the maximum dimensions. You can also resize images yourself in the campaign editor.

Note: We recommend using images no larger than 1 MB in your campaigns. Images increase the size of your newsletter, and if your newsletter becomes too large, it’s more likely that the email will be clipped or land in the spam folder.

The maximum dimensions of images on your landing pages and websites are 1110px wide.

Some content blocks containing images will automatically resize your image to fit the maximum dimensions of that block.

Maximum width Content block(s)
660px 1 column of content block
330px 2 columns of content block
240px 3 columns of content block, Sign up form block

The maximum width for images in your forms are as follows:

  • Pop-up forms - 580px

  • Embedded forms - 640px

Last time edited: Aug 23, 2022