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A simple guide: One-click list-unsubscribe header

A list-unsubscribe header is a field in the header of an email, which adds an "Unsubscribe" link or button in the email client's interface. This provides recipients with an easy and straightforward way to opt out of future emails, without needing to search for an unsubscribe option within the email content itself.

By default, MailerLite emails include a list-unsubscribe header, and no configuration is needed. Keep in mind, [Test] emails will not show a  list-unsubscribe header link.

Unsubscribing from an email list typically involves several steps, including clicking an unsubscribe link, being directed to a separate webpage, and then confirming the desire to unsubscribe. One-click unsubscribe headers simplify this process. When a subscriber clicks the unsubscribe button in the mailbox interface, they are immediately removed from the mailing list without any additional steps. 

In February 2024, Google and Yahoo will require that all marketing emails support a one-click list-unsubscribe header, making it easy for subscribers to opt out of receiving campaigns. In MailerLite emails, the one-click list-unsubscribe mechanism is included by default and requires no further configuration within your account. This ensures campaigns sent with MailerLite are already compliant with the new requirements from Google and Yahoo. 

Gmail is not showing the list-unsubscribe header in my emails?

Keep in mind, [Test] emails will not show a list-unsubscribe header. If you are sending test emails, consider sending the campaign to yourself as a regular email.
If you are still not seeing the list-unsubscribe header, it may be that Gmail has not yet enabled the unsubscribe button, although the correct header is present.

Gmail uses complex algorithms to determine when to show the unsubscribe option. These algorithms consider factors such as user engagement (how users interact with emails from the sender), sender reputation, and the nature of the email. If Gmail doesn't consider the campaign as eligible, it might not display the unsubscribe link. 

If you would like to locate your MailerLite newsletters’ list-unsubscribe header:


  1. In your Google inbox, open the email and click the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

  2. Choose Show original.

  3. Search for list-unsubscribe to view the header.


  1. In your Yahoo inbox, open the email and click the More icon (three dots). 

  2. Choose View raw message.

  3. Search for list-unsubscribe.

Last time edited: Jan 8, 2024